15 may 2024
An event featuring informal talks for a non-specialized audience counted with representation from LEPAMAP-PRODIS.
Tuesday 14th of May was the second day of Pint Of Science ES festival in Girona. The LEPAMAP-PRODIS research group was represented by Roberto J. Aguado, who gave an informal talk in Dolma Lounge (C/ de la Creu 39, Girona). Amidst some beers, the talk dealt with the dangers of waste accumulation, the seemingly never-ending lanfills, and the importance of circular bioeconomy initiatives.

R.J. Aguado giving a talk at the Dolma Lounge bar.
The event was wonderfully organized by both the Pint of Science staff and the lounge staff. Assistants showed great interest in a number of environmental issues and even in technical details — e.g.: further recycling after waste valorization?