21 nov 2023
Within the programme of a webinar held in October 2023, Roberto J. Aguado presented an insightful lecture on the stabilization of oil-in-water emulsions by means of anionic nanocelluloses.
The European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence is a non-profit Association that includes among its member institutions the University of Girona, represented by the leader of LEPAMAP-PRODIS — Marc Delgado-Aguilar. The Junior Representative is Roberto J. Aguado, also a LEPAMAP-PRODIS member, and he participated in a webinar held on the 5th of October of 2023.
The title of the presentation is A look at oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by anionic cellulose nanofibers. The carboxylate groups of oxidized cellulose are highly hydrophilic and, even if they stand on an equatorial position, too voluminous to allow for significant hydrophobic effect. And yet, those nanofibers are quite good at emulsifying oils in water. Especially in cases with low oil-water interfacial tension, these Pickering emulsions are unlikely to be mediated by stable adsorption.
You can watch the lecture here, on the EPNOE Association Youtube channel: