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Acción de economía circular en regiones insulares mediante la valorización de residuos plásticos y agrícolas (NextGenerationEU)
Circular economy action in island regions through the valorization of plastic and agricultural waste (NextGenerationEU)
Code: TED2021-131039B-C32
Call: Strategic projects focused on ecological transition and digital transition
Funding agency: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education
Starting date: 01/12/2022
End date: 30/11/2024
Total funds: 123.855,00 €
Francisco Javier Espinach Orús (PI)
Joaquim Agusti Tarres Farres (CoPI)
Fernando Julian Perez (Co-I)
Pere Maimi Vert (Co-I)
Lluís Ripoll Masferrer (Co-I)
Inés Ferrer Real (Co-I)
Rosa María Coll Riera (WT)
Francisco Javier Alonso Montemayor (WT)
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